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Welcome to the Fabian Education Policy Group Review
Here we publish our FEPG Review (and longer articles/policy papers)

Fabian Education Policy Group Review Volume 1 Edition 1  ( January 2025)

We are delighted to attach our very first Fabian Education Policy Group Review for you.( FEPG REVIEW)  It has a Newsletter, articles by key educationalists  and book reviews of educational texts; this launch  edition features an article by Sir David Bell on 'the good, the bad and the ugly' of educational reform over the last four decades. We hope you enjoy reading it.

FEPG 'Labour's preparation for government' -submissions to the Labour's Policy Forum in 2023.


Full briefing paper.

The Open School ( as presented by Professor Marilyn Leask at the  House of Commons seminar on ED Tech on the 7th November, 2023.

Oscon 2022 Paper.
PDF and Word.

Constructivism: A Summary: Brian Matthews.
Published 2nd May ,2023.
Research has shown the children learn science through being engaged in their learning and using language. Brian Matthews summarises the key features of constructivism.

Constructivism: A summary. BM

 Published December 12th 2022.
A policy proposal from the Curriculum Working Group of the Fabian Education Policy Group, November 2022.

List of our recently published  Research Papers 

Alphabetical by author:

Bainbridge, A.( 2021). Digging your own grave.

Bainbridge, A. and West, L ( 2019)
The Narratives of Fundamentalism
Blandford, S. (2019). Born to Fail, A working class view. 

Harris, C (2021).The Role of 'Rich Tasks'an interdisciplinary and digital approach to Learning Post Covid 19, ( (Courtesy of Pixel bit,61, 99-112.)

Nassem,E and Kyriacou,C. (2019) Dealing with Bullying.

Williams, M.(2021) Visions of the Past: Introduction. 

Williams, M. (2021) Visions of the Past: 
Part 1: The 1970's ( Mostly in Power)


Published in date order below.

Integrated education: a template for Learning for  Life: Dr Brian Lighthill.

Visions of the past: Introduction: Mark Williams

Visions of the past: Part 1: The 1970's (mostly in power.) Mark Williams.

In this article Dr Brian Lighthill  floats the ideal of an integrated curriculum. He says:

'I am well aware that an integrated timetable engenders deep rooted resistance from teachers - after all the very idea is an invasion of their subject silo. But I think that an integrated timetable could make the difference between transmission and transformational learning, and that only when the relationship between learning-in-school and learning-for-life is recognised will the delivery of Education move forward so that students become both work ready and life ready'.

Digging your own grave-Alan Bainbridge.

In this series of articles Mark Williams examines Labour Party  general election manifesto pledges on education, starting in 1970 and ending in 2019. The introductory post explains why he thinks this exercise is useful. It also outlines the format of each entry, and explains how the whole series will be organised.

Dealing with Bullying: Elizabeth Nassem and Chris Kyriacou.

The role of Rich Tasks-an interdisciplinary and digital approach to learning post covid-19: Chris Harris

Courtesy of Pixel-Bit :Media and Education Journal.

This  article is a response to what the Covid crisis has exposed – the disastrous impact of neoliberal policy on education in an education system that was already under pressure to ‘do the right thing’. 

The Narratives of Fundamentalism: Alan Bainbridge and Linden West

This article looks at the role education can and should have in democracy. It also touches on the decimation of adult education

An analysis of bullying in schools. The writers actively participate in the All-Party Parliamentary group on Bullying.

This paper argues that The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the  importance of students being able to be flexible learners: juggling blended learning opportunities, - often in digital virtual environments. It explores alternative interdisciplinary curriculum models.

Born to Fail: A working class View: Professor Sonia Blandford.

The recent Education Select Committee’s report 'The forgotten: how White working-class pupils have been let down, and how to change it.' highlights how White British pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) persistently underperform compared with their peers in other ethnic groups, from the early years through to higher education. 

Professor Sonia Blandford examines Why  the many funded initiatives aimed at addressing this issue have   failed to have a sustained, national impact.

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