FEPG’s Meetings scheduled for 2025
Monday 27th January with Melissa Benn
Monday 24th February: Richard Pountney and Andy Sprakes– The Power of Activism in the curriculum.
Monday March 31st: Ian Davies Re-energising Political Education.
Monday April 28th: Curriculum Review feedback with guest.
Monday May 19th: Graham Donaldson– The improvement Trap.
Monday 23rd June: Deborah Outhwaite-Sustainability and climate action plans in schools.
Monday 29th September: Mary Bousted-The Teaching Commission.
Monday 27th October:
Stephen Gorard - Addressing disadvantage at school: evidence from a range of studies
Monday 24th November: Marilyn Leask –The Mapping Educational Specialist knowHow (MESH)initiative; its origins under Labour and the emerging use of AI to create research summaries for teachers.
House of Commons seminar:
Tuesday 11th November.