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FEPG’s Meetings scheduled for 2025

Monday 27th January with Melissa Benn


Monday 24th February: Richard Pountney and Andy Sprakes– The Power of Activism in the curriculum.


Monday March 31st: Ian Davies Re-energising Political Education.


Monday April 28th: Curriculum Review feedback with guest.


Monday May 19th: Graham Donaldson– The improvement  Trap.


Monday 23rd June: Deborah Outhwaite-Sustainability and climate action plans in schools.


Monday 29th September: Mary Bousted-The Teaching Commission.


Monday 27th October:

 Stephen Gorard - Addressing disadvantage at school: evidence from a range of studies


Monday 24th November: Marilyn Leask –The  Mapping Educational Specialist knowHow (MESH)initiative; its origins under Labour and the emerging use of AI to create research summaries for teachers.


House of Commons seminar:

Tuesday 11th November.


Governance Webinar

Governance 2.png

 Notes and Ppts used.

Monday February 22nd.

Organised by Lizana  Oberholzer.(UEL) This event  explored  the theme of MATS focusing on  concerns and issues and ways forward. Speakers include: Ian Mearns and Chris Waterman. 

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