The Fabian
Education Reading Group
Hidden Histories/
Curriculum renewal Initiative.
This is the place where we share our thoughts about books we read together.
In addition our Hidden History /Curriculum renewal initiative is an opportunity to review and share which books plays/ poetry/ lyrics /films/TV/Art /museums et al have inspired our thinking and would deepen learners' experience in school beyond the current reductive curriculum.
At our January 2023 meeting we are joined by Nick Thomas-Symonds and discussing his recent book 'Harold Wilson- The Winner' Nick,of course,has fulfilled a number of shadow roles over the past few years including the Home office. This session,however, will focus entirely on Nick's capacity as an historian.
Over the last year and a half we have
discussed Andrew Adonis' biography of Ernest Bevin, Owen Jones: This Land: The Struggle for the Left and Akala's Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire. Keir Starmer: The Road Ahead ( Fabian ideas No 657) Building Bridges: Lessons from Bassetlaw for the Country: Sally Gimson. Fabian ideas no 652.
Maggie Browning and Robert Lennox's Political Education in Schools: The case for Citizenship.Young Fabian pamphlet
and Brian Matthews' Redressing the balance'Fabian Society.
Please also send ideas for our Hidden History/Curriculum Renewal initiative on the google doc below