Make a Difference Today
The Fabian Education Policy Group provides a unique opportunity to engage with key educational research world-wide. Our aim is to assist in developing an excellent education service based on what children need , and informed by equity and social justice.

Make a Difference Today
The Fabian Education Policy Group provides a unique opportunity to engage with key educational research world-wide. Our aim is to assist in developing an excellent education service based on what children need , and informed by equity and social justice.

Left to right-Professor Sarah Younie, Dr Tony Breslin, Professor Brian Hudson, Professor Mick Waters, Brian Matthews, Valerie Bossman Quarshie. .
Our House of Commons seminar on 'Aims and Values of the Curriculum' on Tuesday 19th November, 2024 6.00-8.00pm was most successful. It provided excellent evidence for our response to the government's curriculum and assessment consultation.
Chris Bagley and Jasper Khawaja have carried out a two year project on OFSTED led by young people. A website and documentary entitled: States of mind-Breaking the silence is below:

Meetings and webinars with key practitioners, politicians academics and educational research fellows.
At Fabian Education Policy Group, we are dedicated to providing a forum for informed discussion and debate with key politicians, practitioners and colleagues in educational research. These events ( Face to face or online) are very well attended and a summation of key points is distributed later to a variety of organisations and political bodies.

Evidence based research and ideas.
We are fortunate to have considerable educational expertise and knowledge within our group. All stakeholders within the educational arena are encouraged to write blogs for us to express their views. These are published on our website.
Longer articles are published in our FEPG review and our articles tab. We have a more fleshed out Bluesky document,Labour's preparation for government and an Urgent Priorities/Future plans document that we regularly update and amend in relation to the inputs we hear and discuss. They are posted on our member's area.

Coordinating,discussing and advising/joining our working groups.
We set up regular meetings with the shadow education team and discuss our thinking and work with them. We strive to find new strategies for dealing with the challenge of improving Education. We liaise with a variety of other left leaning progressive groups and educational campaigns so we pool as many ideas and strategies as possible to inform our thinking. As a member you will have the opportunity to join specific educational working groups depending on your interests

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"
William James
November 2021 FEPG meeting
In our November FEPG meeting then shadow minister for schools, Peter Kyle, addressed us and took questions on a range of topics. Please log into the member's area and
see the minutes of this very valuable opportunity to listen to a rising star of the Labour party. By the end of the session he had been promoted to shadow secretary of state for Northern Ireland.

A small group of Fabian Education Group members met with Helen Hayes MP on the afternoon of Monday 28th February. Helen is the Shadow Secretary of State for Children and Families. Core issues in her remit include SEND, early years provision, and alternative provision. The discussion covered topics ranging from inclusion matters; the needs of disabled children; Education, Health and Care Plans; knowledge sharing among teaching professionals in SEND and Early Years; and initiatives set up under the previous Labour government that could be recommissioned under a new Labour administration.
Lessons from lockdown.

Lessons in lockdown explores the impact of COVID-19 on our schooling systems,on the young people and families they serve and all who work in-and with-our schools.
Written by Tony Breslin FEPG member.

Colleagues from FEPG met Wes Streeting the former shadow secretary of state for education in 2021 to discuss a number of issues around Secondary Education. Minutes of these meetings are found on our member's area. Log in to access.
Education System Design

This book highlights decisions governments have to make about their public education systems, the options they have before them and the consequences of their decisions.
Edited by FEPG members: Brian Hudson,Marilyn Leask and Sarah Younie.

Stephen Morgan, Shadow Minister for Schools addressed our FEPG online meeting in February 2023. There was a very large audience and Stephen convincingly presented current Labour thinking on education and answered all our many questions. We have since sent Stephen , Bridget Phillipson and Helen Hayes our new briefing paper ' Labour's preparation for government

Is the Schools White Paper enough to support education? | Bridget Phillipson

61 Petty France, London,SW1H 9EU
Brian Matthews Chair 01206 299 423 or 07952478516